
Entity Type: Point Entity

Category: Others->World


The env_sound entity is a trigger of sorts that alters the processing done on sounds heard by the player. For example, the env_sound can alter sounds to have a strong echo as though the player is in a large enclosed area. This entity is used to assist in creating a particular atmosphere in an area.




Name (targetname)

If you set a name for this entity, the env_sound will need to be triggered to work.

Radius (radius)

Sets the radius around the area to use as the trigger area. When the player enters this radius, the sound style will be turned on until it is altered by another env_sound.

Appearance (style)

Unlike its Half-Life counterpart, this env_sound uses the Unity Engine reverb presets:

0 : "Normal (off)"

1 : "Generic"

2 : "PaddedCell"

3 : "Room"

4 : "Bathroom"

5 : "Livingroom"

6 : "Stoneroom"

7 : "Auditorium"

8 : "Concerthall"

9 : "Cave"

10: "Arena"

11: "Hangar"

12: "CarpetedHallway"

13: "Hallway"

14: "StoneCorridor"

15: "Alley"

16: "Forest"

17: "City"

18: "Mountains"

19: "Quarry"

20: "Plain"

21: "ParkingLot"

22: "SewerPipe"

23: "Underwater"

24: "Drugged"

25: "Dizzy"

26: "Psychotic"

I/O Reaction

On Receive Inputs

On | Toggle | Off -> Search inside radius to apply sound effects (only when a name is set and the radius is specified).

Kill -> Destroy (only emitter is removed, effect still remain).

Sending Outputs
