
Entity Type: Point Entity

Category: Others->Others


This entity teleports the player to the designated destination while doing a simple fade-in/fade-out effect. This can be useful to simulate a transition to another zone on the map.

This is particularly useful for doing things such as: taking an elevator to another floor, going up/down some stairs without the need of stacking multiple floors, or entering another room without the need of actually connecting the rooms.

The player is invulnerable and immovable during the transition.




Destination (target)

  The name of the info_teleport_destination or any other entity you want for a destination.

Hold time (duration)

  The time in seconds that the screen will remain black. Useful for simulating long traveling distances (taking an elevator).

Start sound (start_sound)

  The sound that is played when the transition starts.

End sound (end_sound)

  The sound that is played when the transition ends.

I/O Reaction

On Receive Inputs

On | Toggle | Off -> Trigger this entity.

Kill -> Destroy.

Sending Outputs

OnTransition (Toggle) -> On Transition End.